Thursday, October 14, 2010

God's Desire & Prayer & Difficulty & God Is Near

God's Desire

1 Timothy 1:12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service

I can see it is God's desire to enlarge my capacity for more spiritual understanding as I continue to endure greater amounts of suffering. I am not suppossed to be afraid. Yet through all of this I can also see that the Lord has a great amount of sympathy surrounding me to keep my heart soft, sensitive, tender, and true.


We need to remember that our helper, our advocate, in our prayers is our Lord Jesus Christ. So if you feel you might be lacking the power of prayer, all you have to do is look to Christ.

And if you see the moment of victory approaching keep on fighting, keep on praying. Keep on trusting so the act of the Holy Spirit will bring blessings to you.


Genesis 18:14 Is anything too difficult for the LORD?

No nothing is too difficult when we believe in Him and go forward doing His will and letting Him do the impossible for us. Nothing is too impossible for our loving Father when we trust in Him.

God Is Near

The way that we are traveling, the path we are taking, how many of us have the feeling or the assurance that God is right there, right by our side, every step of the way.

Or is it that we are feeling that God is possibly the furthest away. We are being thrown into "the furnace that is heated to seven times more than it was usualy heated. (Dan. 3:19)

Maybe you can't feel it or you just don't know, but when you think and feel God could be the furthest away He is actually the closest to you.

Have the assurance that, yes, God is there with you walking down the path you are on. He lights your path. He directs your steps to where you need to go whether it's to the bitter taing waters of Marah or the sweet refreshing tasting waters of Elim. Wherever He leads you, Whatever he gives you or takes away remember to praise His name.

Hope in God. Trust in God. See God is in everything and near you always.

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